
Hello, gorgeous! Sleek sleep tracker includes room environment in slumber assessment

The big trend in the sleep tracking sector is to make these devices less invasive. What’s less invasive than a watch or a clip-on wearable for your jammies? How about an aesthetically pleasing device with a cord that clips onto a pillow? That’s the design approach for Thiel Fellow James Proud’s company Hello Inc. It’s […]

The big trend in the sleep tracking sector is to make these devices less invasive. What’s less invasive than a watch or a clip-on wearable for your jammies? How about an aesthetically pleasing device with a cord that clips onto a pillow? That’s the design approach for Thiel Fellow James Proud’s company Hello Inc. It’s jumped into the sleep tracking pool with the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to support the rollout of its Sense device.

The move follows a $10 million fundraise, according to TechCrunch, citing Strictly as the source of the fundraise info.

Hello sets itself apart from other sleep trackers, by factoring in room environment — sound, light and temperature — which can have an impact on how well someone sleeps.

Hello isn’t billing Sense as a device that would be used by sleep centers to assess sleeping disorders. But it does offer a useful and economical way for people experiencing problems with sleeping to take a long hard look at contributing factors they may not have considered since, you know, they’re asleep at the time.

It’s expected to be available to consumers later this year for around $99, according to the TechCrunch article.