
Watch a clinician (literally) unpack Isansys wireless patient monitoring kit

It’s clever packaging but the Isansys Lifecare’s video illustrating its wireless patient monitoring device — Patients Status Engine — shows in several steps the simplicity and complexity of the system in action.

It’s clever packaging but the Isansys Lifecare’s video illustrating its wireless patient monitoring device — Patients Status Engine — shows in several steps the simplicity and complexity of the system in action.

It uses sensors to assess and analyze vital signs including heart rate, respiration rate and variability with an ECG display through its LifeTouch sensor. Other sensors in the clinical plug-and-play platform include blood pressure, temperature and blood oxygenation, all of which, along with heart data, is transmitted to the patient’s record. It’s designed with the flexibility to be used in and out of the hospital. It can also be accessed on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones and desktop computers.

Isansys received a CE Mark for the device in 2012. Earlier this year it received two Phase 1 Small Business Research Initiative grants to expand the platform for patient safety and cancer. The point is to reduce the need for re-admission to a hospital and to avoid adverse events. It also received a grant to expand the range of patients the set of wireless sensors can be used for to include children and seniors.

The device will be retooled for home use to red-flag early signs of sepsis within 72 hours for patients who have recently undergone chemotherapy. Its remote monitoring tool includes a way for patients to transmit their own feedback.

Isansys was founded by Keith Errey, the former CEO of wireless body monitoring firm Toumaz Technologies.