
New Viagra travel packaging looks condom-esque

The new Viagra packaging looks strikingly like a condom wrapper. Perfect fit for your wallet or back pocket.

Well, this one’s apropos: The new Viagra packaging looks strikingly like a condom wrapper. Perfect fit for your wallet or back pocket.

Pfizer marketing, of course, likens the new packaging to a single dose of Advil – not a prophylactic. It also looks much like the PillPack packaging – perhaps indicative of a trend toward individually wrapped medication doses.

More than half of men over the age of 40 suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction, Pfizer says. It’s been peddling the erection-boosting Viagra for more than two decades – but this is the first time the pills have been packaged as such.

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Pfizer market research says men taking oral erectile dysfunction drugs have sex eight or fewer times per month. The single packs are meant to help aid love on the go.