Health IT

Healthcare’s Chuck Norris gets the Chuck Norris Facts treatment: The Legend of Jonathan Bush

Healthcare needed a Chuck Norris.


Some of you know Chuck Norris because of Walker Texas Ranger. Others know him thanks to Chuck Norris Facts, the bizarre, 11-year-old Internet meme that tries to quantify Norris’ greatness.

For example:

presented by
  • They wanted to put Chuck Norris’s face on Mount Rushmore, but the granite wasn’t hard enough for his beard
  • When Alexander Bell invented the telephone he had 3 missed calls from Chuck Norris.

Jonathan Bush’s heroics is becoming stuff of legend.

So, in the tradition of Chuck Norris Facts, we introduce a healthcare version: The Legend of Jonathan Bush (#legendofJB).

The Legend of Jonathan Bush


Jonathan Bush - can slam a revolving door

Superman wears Jonathan Bush pajamas

When Jonathan Bush considered company names - Greek Gods applied for the privilege

 Jonathan Bush - memorized hipaa

Want to make your own Legend of Jonathan Bush? Download a photo (here are a few) and then go to MakeAMeme and let ‘er rip. Send them to us or tweet them out yourself under the hashtag #legendofJB.

Stephanie Baum, Meghana Keshavan, Nicole Oran and Neil Versel all contributed to this report.