With hashtags like #healthIT, #HITsm, #HIMSS, #EMR and #EHR, the health technology community is very much alive and well on Twitter.
In fact, the health IT community already has its own list of its top 100 Twitter users. But if your Twitter feed is already hard to keep up with, here are 10 users that we find particularly worthy of a follow. These tweeters are using social media effectively to share health IT news and resources, offer their opinions and engage in conversations with others.
Nate Osit (@NateOsit) — implementation specialist and self-declared health IT geek
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Ken Congdon (@KenOnHIT) — editor in chief of Healthcare Technology Online
Michael Spitz (@SpitzStrategy) — managing director of healthcare at Zemoga
Elin Silveous (@ElinSilveous) — entrepreneur and health writer
Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) — co-founder and partner at XanateMedia.
Farzad Mostashari (@Farzad_ONC) — national coordinator for health IT
Steve Sisko (@ShimCode) — consultant and blogger
Michael Planchart (@theEHRGuy) — healthcare interoperability consultant
Brian Ahier (@ahier) — health IT/information systems at Mid-Columbia Medical Center
John Lynn (@techguy) — blogger
(Also, see our picks for the top personalized medicine, big data and cardiology Twitter users.)