MedCity Influencers

EMR and Practice Management: How can physicians benefit?

Technology is playing a vital role in making the physician’s practice simpler and better. For the same reason, health IT solutions are gaining immense popularity amongst the physicians. Moreover, this health IT saga does not seem to be coming to an end anytime soon due to so much spent in research and development. Market gurus […]

Technology is playing a vital role in making the physician’s practice simpler and better. For the same reason, health IT solutions are gaining immense popularity amongst the physicians. Moreover, this health IT saga does not seem to be coming to an end anytime soon due to so much spent in research and development. Market gurus are of the viewpoint that Electronic Medical Records (EMR) technology is a much-needed change and it is here to stay. Through lessening the hassle of practitioners by extending a helping hand in synchronization with administrative work, this technology has changed the way practice was traditionally done.

EMR has transformed the healthcare industry by making the modern practice paperless. By embracing Electronic Medical Records, physicians can electronically store, retrieve, and transfer medical data securely and effectively, allowing them to practice without boundaries. Electronic Medical Records makes the decision making easier, better and faster. Furthermore, Due to its quality of reducing the number of human errors and therefore fatalities, US government has asked a nationwide implementation of Electronic Medical Records in the healthcare practice. By doing so, they would be able to take healthcare sector out of the ongoing crisis.

In addition, according to a research conducted by an EMR Vendor, physicians always found it difficult to keep a balance between the financial, administrative, and clinical workflows. In order to synchronize these departments, physicians used to hire extra resources which added to their operating costs. As a result, small and medium-sized practices were hit the most due to this increasing cost spiral. Therefore, in order to curb such expenses, leading vendors have incorporated a user-friendly Practice Management Software with Electronic Medical Records.

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This practice management software is designed in a way that it streamlines administrative, clinical, and financial operations and synchronizes ongoing procedures. Additionally, Practice Management Software is also compatible with other integrated features, which allows management of different task simultaneously. This feature of multitasking makes things easier for the physicians and allows them to focus more on their patients.

Integration of practice management software with EMR has also helped physicians in increasing patient turnover, reduction in the overall human errors, ensuring timely payments, and above all, increase the overall productivity. Persistence of these health IT solutions will definitely result in providing quality healthcare to patients.


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The writer is a leading Health IT analyst contributing regularly on some of the most pressing topics like Electronic Health Records, Practice Management, eRx, Patient Portal, Billing Services, Compliance and Privacy and Security.

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