The issue of opioid overprescription raises a few different issues, including patient safety and how best to manage the problem without disregarding the needs of people living with chronic pain. Axial Healthcare, which has developed clinical decision support tools for opioid management that uses big data, has raised $1.75 million, according to a Form D filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
The investment will be distributed in a few tranches, according to the filing.
Axial Healthcare Analyst Elizabeth Stringer took part in a Google Hangout about big data hosted by MedCity News earlier this year. She said it’s looking at RX claims, medical claims, behavioral claims and eligibility to predict best outcomes for pain management by identifying where physicians are using best practices for treating pain.
Reducing Clinical and Staff Burnout with AI Automation
As technology advances, AI-powered tools will increasingly reduce the administrative burdens on healthcare providers.
She also mentioned some products the Nashville, Tennessee-based healthcare startup and Healthbox accelerator graduate is developing. One tool will mine social media to help build more predictive models. It’s also building a patient app so patients can communicate their pain level at any given time.