2014 election results: Marijuana wins in Oregon, Alaska and D.C.

The Ballot Measure 2 votes in Alaska were still being counted into this morning, but it’s official. Alaska, Oregon and Washington D.C. now have new marijuana laws following yesterday’s election. Oregon is now the third U.S. state to fully legalize marijuana possession and sale starting July 1, 2015. Following the example of Colorado and Washington, Oregon […]

The Ballot Measure 2 votes in Alaska were still being counted into this morning, but it’s official. Alaska, Oregon and Washington D.C. now have new marijuana laws following yesterday’s election.

Oregon is now the third U.S. state to fully legalize marijuana possession and sale starting July 1, 2015. Following the example of Colorado and Washington, Oregon residents will be able to own eight ounces of weed, or four plants.

Votes in D.C.prevailed to allow a “grow and give” system, which doesn’t allow for the sale of weed, but those 21 and older can own 2 ounces or six plants. Even though 64% majority of the vote brought the win, the measure needs to be certified by the local government and U.S. Congress also has review power over the initiative, so there is still room for this to fall apart.

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Alaska’s Issue 2 will allow people 21 and older to own up to an ounce and six plants of marijuana.

Florida had no such luck with its medical marijuana initiative because the law required a 60% majority to pass, which was a tough break for the state.

“The pace of reform is accelerating,” said Ethan Nadelmann, the executive director of the Drug Policy alliance. “Other states are sure to follow, and even Congress is poised to wake from its slumber.”

[Photo from flickr user Mark]