Using ultrasound to treat stroke: Cerevast Therapeutics raises $10M

They say that with a stroke, “time lost is brain lost” – so when a stroke happens, each second counts to stave off further brain damage. Seattle-area startup Cerevast Therapeutics is developing a device that emits ultrasound waves meant to quickly dislodge stroke-causing blood clots in the brain. And company just raised $10 million, according to a […]

They say that with a stroke, “time lost is brain lost” – so when a stroke happens, each second counts to stave off further brain damage. Seattle-area startup Cerevast Therapeutics is developing a device that emits ultrasound waves meant to quickly dislodge stroke-causing blood clots in the brain.

And company just raised $10 million, according to a regulatory filing.

The company’s head-worn device, called the ClotBust ER, is made up of a number of ultrasound transducers that are placed in regions where the majority of vessel occlusions in the brain are known to occur, Cerevast says.

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This fall, Cerevast announced the first interim results of its ongoing Phase 3 trial. This initial bit analyzed the 90-day functional recovery of 250 randomized patients.

The study’s being conducted at 60 stroke centers in 14 countries.

The company’s Clotbust ER trial is currently enrolling patrients.