MedCity Influencers

The ACA at five: What do you know?

The ACA is five years old. How much do you know about the actual details of this sweeping law and its impact?

This post is sponsored by Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Over the course of its tumultuous five year run, the Affordable Care Act has endured repeated legal challenges, an epic fail of a web site debut, and relentless Congressional efforts at its repeal. The law’s immediate future is of course murky at best, as we await the Supreme Court’s forthcoming decision in King v. Burwell, which could potentially wipe out subsidies for millions of newly insured citizens.

The ACA is the signature wedge issue in our “50-50” country, with the latest  opinion research showing that the public sentiment is trending against Obamacare, but just barely:  Forty-three percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion, while 41 percent have a favorable view, according to  Kaiser Family Foundation ‘s latest poll.

Regardless of one’s politics, we can agree that most public argument about the ACA takes place in the realm of emotion and straw men.  But how much do you know about the actual details of this sweeping law and its impact? Take the ATL/Wolters Kluwer ACA Challenge here and find out.