
Titanovo introduces a genetic wellness test to determine best lifestyle choices

The test provides fitness regimens, diet and supplement options, skin and dental care recommendations as well as mental health input.

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Titanovo has previously explored what opportunities are available utilizing crowdfunding on Kickstarter with its telomere-length measuring saliva test that helps indicate levels of health.

The North Carolina-based company has now added a new test to Kickstarter, its DNA Lifestyle Coach. It is a genetic wellness test that is designed to help users figure out what lifestyle choices are best for them to optimize healthy living. The test provides fitness regimens, diet and supplement options, skin and dental care recommendations as well as mental health input.

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There are many genetic tests on the market, but Titanovo says its is different because it provides straightforward recommendations based on use preferences being incorporated into the algorithms used. It will also actually show the genetic pathways that indicated the conclusions.

For example, they are genotyping the MTHFR and FUT2 genes to determine a users’ actual vitamin B12 requirements. Mutations in this area can change how well protein is being built in a person’s body, and thus requires more B12. This specific example can be particularly relevant to vegetarians. So the DNA Lifestyle Coach would recommend B12 supplements.

We are constantly overwhelmed with information about what is good for us, whether it be red wine, coffee, meditation, specific fruits and vegetables. According to Titanovo’s premise, there is no standard that works best for everyone as a whole – benefits are based on our genetics.

Titanovo’s Kickstarter campaign has 26 days to go with the hopes of raising $25,000. See more in the campaigns promotional video below.

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