Alan Pitt, M.D.

Alan is the chief medical information officer at Avizia

Posts by Alan Pitt, M.D.


Want truly consumer-driven healthcare? Pay for it (directly)

My friend Lisa Suennen recently posted a blog lamenting her experience as a patient rather than a healthcare investor. Her experience was, to say the least, not ideal. Jostled, poked and prodded, cajoled to undergo treatment, she seemed more like a luxury cruise liner undergoing repairs than a passenger being cared for. Lisa’s experience seems […]


Patients adrift. Doctors under siege. How can we change this culture?

Rich or poor, without your health, you have nothing. Perhaps that’s why the business of healthcare, almost 20% of America’s GDP, has been given a pass on the capitalist model of business practice. No other business has thrived without some level of price transparency and a promise of quality. However, with the passage of the […]


Medical industry suffers as the government legislates

Imagine you’re in a grocery store. A man in white is wheeling your cart, grabbing things from the shelf. “You need some broccoli, it’s good for you,” he says. You meekly mention you don’t like broccoli, but he ignores you. “How about some of this steak?” he suggests. I don’t eat meat,” you say. When […]