
YOU: Having a Baby — the next installment of books that are good for YOU

The Cleveland Clinic’s wellness guru Dr. Michael Roizen is making early publicity rounds with medical answer-show host Dr. Mehmet Oz on the latest installment of their popular YOU books — YOU, Having a Baby. The two talked with ABC’s Good Morning America host Diane Sawyer Monday morning.

NEW YORK, New York — The Cleveland Clinic’s wellness guru Dr. Michael Roizen is making early publicity rounds with medical answer-show host Dr. Mehmet Oz on the latest installment of their popular YOU books.

YOU: Having a Baby — the title written in pink and blue on a white book jacket – is expected to be released to bookstores on Tuesday at a list price of $26.99, according to publisher Simon & Schuster. It’s a 464-page, hardcover book.

But Roizen and Oz talked to ABC’s Good Morning America host Diane Sawyer on Monday. Oz began the interview by talking about “epigenetics” – changes in the appearance or expression of genes caused by non-genetic forces. Our genes can change from a change in the surroundings — say, a famine — in just one generation, he said.

“We learned this in famine-torn Europe,” Oz said. Dutch children who were born during the famine survived the famine, but 20 years later, they and their children and grandchildren “still had more obesity. They had more chronic illnesses” than the general population, he said.

Sawyer countered, “This could be overwhelming to mothers-to-be.”

But it doesn’t have to be, said Roizen, who is chief wellness officer for the Cleveland Clinic. “This is really quite simple and quite empowering  because you can do things” to avoid damaging your and your baby’s genes, Roizen said. For instance, some studies show that Bisphenol A (BPA), a building block for some water bottles and even some baby bottles, is associated with heart disease, diabetes and birth defects, he said.

Everyone — especially pregnant women — should avoid drinking from bottles that contain BPA, Roizen said. We also should avoid eating foods from cans lined with BPA. “Just in the last couple weeks, we learned that the receipts you get at the [checkout] register have a hundred times more BPA in them” than water bottles, he said. The solution to this exposure is simple. “Wash your hands,” he said.

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YOU: Having a Baby also considers questions like: Can I get a cavity filled while pregnant? Will avoiding spicy foods make my kid a picky eater? Can I really increase my baby’s IQ while she’s in utero? according to Simon & Schuster.

Roizen and Oz wrote the latest book in their YOU series “to explore how food, stress and a new science called epigenetics affect the lifelong health of you and your baby,” according to their Real Age “Live Life to the Youngest” blog.

(By the way, already is listing the book for $16.19.)