Health IT

Night Read (Ohio): Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pursues HIT errors

News and notes from the day in MedCity, Ohio: Watchdog lawmaker U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley sent letters this week to 31 hospitals nationwide — including University Hospitals Case Medical Center, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Kaiser Permanente in Cleveland – raising concerns that “errors” caused by the information technology systems they have adopted could endanger patients, the […]

News and notes from the day in MedCity, Ohio:

Watchdog lawmaker U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley sent letters this week to 31 hospitals nationwide — including University Hospitals Case Medical Center, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Kaiser Permanente in Cleveland – raising concerns that “errors” caused by the information technology systems they have adopted could endanger patients, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.

Dayton container makers AcuTemp Thermal Systems and CSafe LLC are offering relief agencies their temperature-controlled containers to ship and store blood, vaccines and other temperature-sensitive medical supplies for the Haitian relief effort, according to a press release.

The Portage County Health Department is slashing employees’ pay and closing the second and fourth Fridays of each month through June to contend with budget ills, according to the Akron Beacon Journal.

SANUWAVE Health Inc., an emerging medical technology company in the regenerative medicine area, has appointed to its scientific advisory board Dr. Maria Siemionow, director of plastic surgery research and head of microsurgery training in the Plastic Surgery Department of the Cleveland Clinic, according to a press release.

Lake Health’s Sleep Center has been awarded a five-year accreditation in Sleep Medicine by the American Academy of Sleep Medicinethe Concord Township hospital said in a release.

ProMedica Health System in Toledo is offering high school students in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan the chance to compete for college scholarships of $5,000 by creating children’s exercise programs designed to combat childhood obesity, according to a MarketWire release.

Columbus surgeon Dr. Charles C. Njoku, 60, and his office manager, Veronica Scott-Guiler, 41, were arrested Wednesday morning on charges of health-care fraud and improperly prescribing medicine, according to the Columbus Dispatch.