It’s very generous of Sanolfi-Aventis’s marketing department to make this offer (pdf) for me to serve as an “advisor” for dronedarone today, but seriously, I was a bit skeptical that they wanted my “feedback on the reasons for and against utlilization of Multaq® in the appropriate patient as well as to understand communication and educational needs with regard to Multaq® and the atrial fibrillation state in general.”
Where were they when the drug launched? Might it be because it’s this drug has not been quite the blockbuster they’d hoped for?
But of course I’d never be swayed to use more of this drug by this important consulting work.

Webinar: Tips To Have Your Practice Succeed This Year
This on-demand webinar will offer insights and share tips on helping practices run more efficiently.
No, really.
P.S.: To Sanolfi-Aventis marketers: Please update your prescriber database with my correct workplace.

Tackling Messy Provider Data with an NPI-Forward Approach
Mike Wirth of ProviderTrust shares insights about the company in this interview at the ViVE 2025 conference in Nashville last month.
Westby G. Fisher, MD, FACC is a board certified internist, cardiologist, and cardiac electrophysiologist (doctor specializing in heart rhythm disorders) practicing at NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, IL, USA and is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine. He entered the blog-o-sphere in November, 2005. He writes regularly at Dr. Wes. DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this blog are strictly the those of the author(s) and should not be construed as the opinion(s) or policy(ies) of NorthShore University HealthSystem, nor recommendations for your care or anyone else's. Please seek professional guidance instead.
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