
Ex-pharmacist Eric Cropp’s story resonates with pharmacy Twitterverse

The story of Eric Cropp, the ex-pharmacist who went to jail in a case that led to Ohio’s passage of Emily’s Law, has struck a nerve with pharmacy workers in the Twitterverse. Earlier this week, MedCity News published an interview with Cropp  in which he lamented the “cheapening” of the pharmacy profession and how the […]

The story of Eric Cropp, the ex-pharmacist who went to jail in a case that led to Ohio’s passage of Emily’s Law, has struck a nerve with pharmacy workers in the Twitterverse.

Earlier this week, MedCity News published an interview with Cropp  in which he lamented the “cheapening” of the pharmacy profession and how the pressure pharmacists feel to quickly perform their job duties often puts them at risk of making medication errors.

“Another thing I’m trying to do is become an advocate for other pharmacists, stressing the importance of safe working conditions, shorter working hours, adequate staffing and updated equipment,” Cropp said in the interview. “I have nothing to lose, so I can fight for the pharmacists and pharmacy techs who won’t speak out because they’re afraid they’ll lose their job or their license.”

Cropp’s message apparently resonated with several Twitter users, with one calling Cropp’s recounting of his side of the tragic tale a “powerful story.”

Here’s a sampling of reaction from throughout the Twitterverse:

  • @wyobar: I pray every day before going into work for my brain to stay alert.
  • @rxshane: Corporate personnel who cower behind the title of “pharmacist” should read this.
  • @BabyBarnett: Im printing this out and handing it to customers who bitch about wait time!!!
  • @TomPeddicord: Powerful story that should be read by all pharmacists and HCPs