Every week, MedCity News highlights the best of its MedCitizens: syndication partners and MedCity News readers who discuss life science current events on MedCitynews.com.
Now here’s the best of what YOU had to say:
A good week for group purchasing. Irving, Texas-based UMCSC announced a one-year contract for cardiac rhythm management products with St. Jude, complementing an existing agreement with Boston Scientific Corp. and replacing an agreement with Medtronic. Cardiovascular Systems Inc.’s catheter-based artery de-clogging systems are available through HealthTrust Purchasing Group, and Premier announced two new deals bringing them to four contracts this week alone.
Reducing Clinical and Staff Burnout with AI Automation
As technology advances, AI-powered tools will increasingly reduce the administrative burdens on healthcare providers.
Mobile medical apps: Here’s how the FDA defines them, what it excludes. “In case you’re not from DC (like me) and don’t spend your days around a bunch of govies (like I do) I wanted to let you know how big a step this is for the FDA. They’re taking a public stand about what they know and what they think are grey areas and I for one commend them for putting this document out.”
Open Letter to ONC on Temporary Certification Program. “As a consultant I am in a bit of an uncomfortable position because my job is to help vendors achieve certification. But there is something much larger at stake. This country is involved in a massive effort to roll out Health Information Technology through certification, meaningful use, and incentives. I do not want my knowledge of inconsistency in the interpretation of requirements to be used for the benefits of my clients. I do not want any vendors, including my own clients, to bottom fish. This need to be fixed before it becomes a larger issue.”
Choosing a business incubator: How to go about it. The National Business Incubator Association says there are about 1,200 business incubators operating in America. The Athens, Ohio-based group also has some ideas on how healthcare entrepreneurs can latch on to a local incubators group – and make it work for them. So how do you go about it?
Boston Scientific job cuts planned; up to 1,400 affected. A rebounding Boston Scientific Corp. (NYSE:BSX) said it plans to eliminate up to 1,400 jobs as part of a restructuring program aimed at saving between $225 million to $275 million annually by 2013.
Chris Seper runs MedCityNews.com and contributes regularly to the site. He is the vice president of healthcare for Breaking Media, MedCity's corporate owners. Reach him at [email protected].
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