
Kinect game system inspires bionic glasses for vision problems (Morning Read)

British researchers are developing a prototype for a new medical device — a low-cost pair of glasses — that they say could help people who have lost most of their vision see again. Inspired by Microsoft’s Kinect, the bionic glasses contain tiny cameras, motion sensors and tracking software and have transparent lenses containing an LED array.

Current medical news and unique business news for anyone who cares about the healthcare industry.

Kinect game system inspires bionic glasses for vision problems. British researchers are developing a prototype for a new medical device — a low-cost pair of glasses — that they say could help people who have lost most of their vision see again. Inspired by Microsoft’s Kinect, the bionic glasses contain tiny cameras, motion sensors and tracking software and have transparent lenses containing an LED array.

Nasal spray for cancer pain. The FDA has approved the U.S.’s first fentanyl nasal spray (Lazanda) to treat cancer pain in adults who are also receiving opioid therapy. The drug is already available in five European countries.

Operation chiefs most likely to leave their jobs. Becker’s Hospital Review has released an interesting list of the 10 positions in health systems with the highest turnover rates. Topping the list are director of operating room and director of psychiatric services, both with turnover rates above 30 percent.

What to ask your EHR vendor. Physicians Practice has compiled a list of the 20 most important questions you should be asking your EHR vendor. So, do you have a money-back guarantee for Stage 2 and Stage 3 of meaningful use qualification?

Sunburn for science. Scientists have located a molecule in the body that controls pain from sunburn, which they say might help them develop new pain treatments for other ailments resulting from inflammation, such as arthritis.