A medical device from Checkpoint Surgical that helps doctors locate nerves during operations has received the CE Mark, which signifies European regulatory clearance.
The CE Mark is significant for Checkpoint because it opens up new markets for the Cleveland-area company. Checkpoint is in discussions with European distributors, according to a statement from the company.
Checkpoint also plans to commercially launch the device in Australia and South Africa in the near future.
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The company’s handheld, disposable device, called the Checkpoint Stimulator/Locator, stimulates motor nerves so surgeons can avoid damaging them during surgery. The device also helps physicians gauge nerve and muscle health. It’s used primarily by orthopedic, plastic and ear, nose and throat surgeons.
Checkpoint received U.S. regulatory clearance of the device in late 2009.
Last month, the company raised a $1.7 million series B round of investment, led by its primary investor, the NDI Healthcare Fund.
Checkpoint is developing an arthroscopic version of its device to be used in less-invasive surgeries that could be on the market in a year or two.