Devices & Diagnostics

Therapeutic hypothermia device startup changes name to Cryothermic Systems

Therapeutic hypothermia medical device maker Life Core Technologies, which makes an emergency brain-cooling device, has a new name: Cryothermic Systems. Employing the term “cryo” in the Cleveland-area company’s brand better aligns its name with the company’s products and “will accurately reflect the company’s vision for future growth within its market,” according to a statement from […]

Therapeutic hypothermia medical device maker Life Core Technologies, which makes an emergency brain-cooling device, has a new name: Cryothermic Systems.

Employing the term “cryo” in the Cleveland-area company’s brand better aligns its name with the company’s products and “will accurately reflect the company’s vision for future growth within its market,” according to a statement from Cryothermic Systems.

Cryothermic’s cerebral-cooling device resembles a neck-immobilization collar and works via a proprietary chemical that can reach low temperatures within seconds of activation. The chemical allows the collar to cool blood that’s going to the brain, which induces mild hypothermia.

The device has also been rebranded and is now called the Excel Cryo Cooling System. It’s used by first responders or in hospitals’ intensive care units to treat patients suffering from cardiac arrest, stroke or traumatic brain injury.

In March, Cryothermic CEO Mike Burke told MedCity News that the company had raised $1 million of an anticipated $3 million series A round of funding.

Emergency medical service departments from 86 municipalities are using the cooling device, Burke said at the time.