MedCity Influencers

Event provides inspiration for innovators to solve healthcare problems

Helping healthcare professionals problem-solve and innovate will be the goal of Kent State University College of Nursing’s DRIVING THE FUTURE ’13 on Monday, March 4th. This year’s program will focus on inspiration and innovation and their roles in the healthcare of the future. The day will feature a keynote speaker and a series of TED TALK-style presentations.

This post is sponsored by Kent State University College of Nursing.

Helping healthcare professionals problem-solve and innovate will be the goal of Kent State University College of Nursing’s DRIVING THE FUTURE ’13 on Monday, March 4th. This year’s program will focus on inspiration and innovation and their roles in the healthcare of the future. The day will feature a keynote speaker and a series of TED TALK-style presentations.

Driving the Future is a nationally attended conference series created in 2007 to facilitate brainstorming and dialogue addressing the gaps between education and practice for healthcare. Dr. Ron Mallett, a scientist, inventor and educator, will kick off this day with an emphasis on problem solving and innovating solutions to the issues and challenges we face.

Dr. Mallett teaches theoretical physics at the University of Connecticut. He was inspired as a child to challenge the test of time by his father’s untimely passing and by the HG Wells classic novel, “The Time Machine.” He vowed he would develop a theory to travel back in time to help his father, and this goal has been his life’s work for the past 40 years. Today he has a convincing and respected argument for time travel based on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Hear how he developed his theory and how he persevered with what many feel is unbelievable or impossible!

Our experts are innovators in the fields of education, healthcare, science, medicine and the arts. In much the same way as Dr. Mallett, they will share their inspirations, presenting their innovation expertise in a TED TALK format.
Our speakers are:

  • Dr. Melody Tankersley, Kent State University Provost Fellow
  • Dr. Vincent Hetherington, Senior Associate Dean of the Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine
  • Dr. John West, University Trustees Research Professor with the Kent State University Liquid Crystal Institute
  • Maria Jukic, JD, Executive Director of the Cleveland Clinic Arts & Medicine Institute

In previous years, Driving the Future presentations have focused on ideal skills of graduates, nursing leadership acumen, forward-looking curricula, quality and safety, learning competencies and self-care. Our audience has grown over the seven years of our programming and now includes not only students, faculty, and practitioners in nursing, but also bench scientists, administrators, insurance and business executives, and educators from a broad range of disciplines.

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For more information about Driving the Future and to register for this exciting day, click here.