A simple Tumblr blog shows what President Barack Obama’s facing as he tries to hold Obamacare, and with it, the future of healthcare, together. MyCancellation.com is a collection of patients posing with the cancellation letters from their various insurance companies.
The blog asks patients with canceled plans to send in scans of the letter, pictures of themselves with the letter or a sign. A lot of the patients choose to write a note to Obama on the letter, doing the math on the premium increases. The only real text on the site? “If you like your plan you can keep your plan.” Oof.
More than 10 letters have been added as of this posting today. Yesterday’s posts included this image.
It’s faces and patients like these Obama will need to address directly today with a plan of action. And, according to Sarah Kliff at the Washington Post, any reversal of canceled health plans requires premiums to be raised.
The site began posting letters Oct. 29.
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