
This OR flash mob for breast cancer patient and doctor will melt your heart

Follow MedCity News on TWITTER, LINKEDIN, FACEBOOK AND GOOGLE+ for even more content on innovation in healthcare. Dancing isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when people think of hospitals, even less when they think of surgery. But for one breast cancer patient, a flash mob was the logical option to celebrate life before […]

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Dancing isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when people think of hospitals, even less when they think of surgery. But for one breast cancer patient, a flash mob was the logical option to celebrate life before she underwent surgery for a double mastectomy. Dr. Deborah Cohan is an OBGYN at San Francisco General Hospital and associate professor at University of California San Francisco. Her CaringBridge journal asked friends and family to compile videos of themselves dancing to Beyonce’s Get Me Bodied flash-mob style. Before her double mastectomy surgery, Deborah Cohan danced with the medical team in the OR at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco. As her CaringPost, er, post reads:

“I will be dancing in my little hospital gown and bouffant cap in the Mt. Zion operating room with the surgical and anesthesia teams. My fantasy is for you to play the song… and dance wherever you happen to be (in the kitchen, the carwash, subway platform [Dan!], classroom, Labor and Delivery unit, wherever!) — ideally at 7:30am but really anytime [that day].

In just two days the video amassed more than 1 million hits with a lot of posts in support. Even the CaringBridge team followed suit with a flash-mob video of their own.

CaringBridge is a nonprofit where people are encouraged to create their own health social network where they can connect, share news and receive support, according to the website.


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