
Why translational medicine will never be the same

Startup Founder Testimonial: Vitruvian from LaunchPad Central on Vimeo. There have been 2 or 3 courses in my entire education that have changed the way I think. This is one of those. For the past three years the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps has been teaching our nations best scientists how to build a Lean Startup. Close […]

Startup Founder Testimonial: Vitruvian from LaunchPad Central on Vimeo.

There have been 2 or 3 courses in my entire education that have changed the way I think.

This is one of those.

For the past three years the National Science Foundation Innovation Corps has been teaching our nations best scientists how to build a Lean Startup. Close to 400 teams in robotics, computer science, materials science, geoscience, etc. have learned how to use business models, get out of the building to test their hypotheses and minimum viable product.

Hobart Harris Professor and Chief, Division of General Surgery at UCSF was on one of those teams.

However, business models in the Life Sciences are a bit more complicated than those in software, web/mobile or hardware. Startups in the Life Sciences (therapeutics, diagnosticsdevicesdigital health, etc.) also have to understand the complexities of reimbursement, regulation, intellectual property and clinical trials.

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Last fall we prototyped an I-Corps class for life sciences at UCSF with 25 teams. Hobart Harris led one of the teams.

What Hobart learned and how he learned it is why we’re about to launch the I-Corps @ NIH on Oct 6th.

Watch the video here

Translational medicine will never be the same.