
A glimpse at what prehospital emergency care might look like with Google Glass (video)

A team of paramedics rushes to the aid of a young man experiencing severe arrhythmia, while a cardiologist watches and advises from a computer in his office at a nearby hospital. This new video put together by a group at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland offers a glimpse at what emergency care might […]

A team of paramedics rushes to the aid of a young man experiencing severe arrhythmia, while a cardiologist watches and advises from a computer in his office at a nearby hospital.

This new video put together by a group at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland offers a glimpse at what emergency care might look like if Google Glass were widely adopted.

Put together by team members of MedGift, a project at Switzerland’s Institute of Information Systems to advance the field of medical information retrieval, the video shows the medic wearing Google Glass to stream video, audio and data back to the physician, who’s then prepared to see the patient when he arrives.

This is just one of the many ideas for Google Glass in healthcare. The beta version of the device is available for Glass Explorers.

[Image & video credit: MedGift group at the Institute of Information Systems – HES-SO Valais//Wallis]