
Colbert on Ebola: We’re not all going to die, only 90% of us

The Colbert Report Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Colbert Report on Facebook After a short hiatus, Stephen Colbert is back in action, and of course, tackling the Ebola news coverage. He shares his concerns about the virus showing up in New York City, as opposed places he’ll never go, like Liberia or […]

The Colbert Report
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Colbert Report on Facebook

After a short hiatus, Stephen Colbert is back in action, and of course, tackling the Ebola news coverage. He shares his concerns about the virus showing up in New York City, as opposed places he’ll never go, like Liberia or Dallas. Colbert takes note of the fact that Dr. Craig Spencer, the doctor who tested positive for Ebola in NYC, went on a three mile run while apparently infected – reportedly more exercise than a non-infected Colbert could do.

He also notes that the mandatory quarantine Kaci Hickox dealt with after landing at Newark airport following time spent treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone was better than the alternative, flying into LaGuardia airport. And in the end, Colbert presents a helpful demonstration of what the contamination precautions entail, by making a ice cream sundae that he can’t help but take a bite of.

If laughter is the best medicine, maybe some Colbert Report can do the trick for people worrying about Ebola.