
How can new startup employees excel?

Joining a startup operation requires certain traits that aren’t always essential for other jobs. In order to be successful, and maybe move on to creating a separate startup, employees have a couple of essential resume requirements. In the healthcare industry, it’s a little bit more specific, so we pulled out a few applicable ones from […]

Joining a startup operation requires certain traits that aren’t always essential for other jobs. In order to be successful, and maybe move on to creating a separate startup, employees have a couple of essential resume requirements.

In the healthcare industry, it’s a little bit more specific, so we pulled out a few applicable ones from the full list of 11 qualities provided by MashableTwelve entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) provided these insights.

    • Networking – When you’re putting together a startup, hiring decisions and connections is key. Mitch Gordon of Go Overseas recommends using LinkedIn to your advantage, for one thing. Also, emails that start with a direct reference from someone you both know increases the chances of really connecting exponentially. Of course we have all heard this before, but sometimes it’s easy to slip out of proactivity-mode.
    • Adaptability – As Kevin Xu of Mebo International puts it, plain and simple: “Every startup worker needs to be able to quickly adapt to the working environment and company culture of the organization they get to work for.” This is true for every kind of startup, and pretty much every job in general, but it’s definitely essential.
    • Actually understanding the numbers – “You should be confident discussing growth and progress that’s completely numbers driven (i.e. customer acquisition strategy on paid media outlets). You should understand how big the audience is, the conversion metrics and the unit economics of the business (for example average order, repeat order probability, frequency, etc).” – George Bousis, Raise Marketplace Inc.
    • Initiative – “We like people who can be given a task and take it through to completion,” said Nanxi Liu, Enplug. “Because they are independent, they don’t need someone to constantly manage them.”
    • Presentation skills – “Being practiced in giving short elevator pitches as well as longer, formal presentations means that this employee has a useful skill whether in front of your own team, prospective clients or even investors.” – Mike Seiman, CPXi
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Read the entire list of startup employee essential traits here.

[Image from flickr user chichacha]