
Well it’s about time Google jumped into the deodorant market

Apparently some people have a difficult time determining whether or not their body odor is in the socially acceptable, non-offensive range. Or at least Google believes enough helpless stinkers are out there, and they could really use a little help. Google has been awarded a patent for a wearable “fragrance emission device” that not only […]

Apparently some people have a difficult time determining whether or not their body odor is in the socially acceptable, non-offensive range. Or at least Google believes enough helpless stinkers are out there, and they could really use a little help.

Google has been awarded a patent for a wearable “fragrance emission device” that not only freshens you up, it detects physical activity and rises in temperature and moisture to help determine when you might be at your smelliest, according to express.co.uk. It is designed to be worn underneath your clothing, either around the collar or waist.

It gets even better – and weirder. The device could also be synced up with your social media accounts to determine where your friends are near by and provide possible alternative routes via Google Maps and Google Earth so you don’t make a putrid fool of yourself.

Apparently bathing, wearing normal deodorant and using your own nose to check out your B.O. situation is just too old fashioned for the digital age.

Even with a patent secured, chances of this actually hitting the shelves and being successful seem a bit slim. Plus, in theory, people who don’t already know they smell probably won’t know that they need the device. And gifting this product to a friend or coworker might be just a little awkward.

[Photo from Flickr user Brett Burton]
