
Which are the best life science corporate VCs? Take MedCity News’ survey

We need your help in getting better information on life science corporate venture capital funds. Will you share your thoughts on corporate VCs as well as the state of life science investing in general?

The world of healthcare investing changes daily. One of the biggest (and best) opportunities for medical device, biotech and pharma companies to find funding today is through an increasingly established group of corporate venture capitalists.

But which ones are the best? What are they like to deal with? We’d like your help in getting those answers.

If you’re involved with innovation in the life sciences, take MedCity News’ survey on investing and corporate venture capital. We want to know the best investment opportunities in today’s world. Plus, we’re taking a hard look at the world of life science corporate VCs.

As we pieced together a list of the most prominent companies consistently investing in pharma, biotech and medical device we quickly got to more than 50 corporate venture arms. We know that we’re likely scratching the surface.

So we want to hear from you on the life science corporate VCs you know, have dealt with, and what your thoughts are on the modern environment for fund-raising in the life sciences.

You can take the survey by clicking here. Thank you for helping us support early-stage innovators by sharing your insights.

[Photo from Flickr user IT@C]