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PBS is targeting millennials with wellness topics through new digital series ‘You’re Doing It Wrong!’

PBS is known for programs geared toward kids or adults, but they are trying to fill in the gaps.

PBS Digital Studios is doing its part to appeal to millennials with a focus on fitness and health with a comedic edge. The 20-episode series “You’re Doing It Wrong!,” is hosted by comedians and identical twins Randy and Jason Sklar.

The show highlights how most of us do certain normal activities incorrectly and how we can get better, including health-centric areas like running (the clip featured above), sleeping, breathing.

“Our goal is not to demonstrate what to do and go through fitness exercises with the viewer,” Jason Sklar said, according to The Washington Post. “We’re talking about what doing certain things wrong can do for your health and what effect it can have on your body.”

As opposed to some of our general ideas we have about PBS shows, like that many programs have been traditionally geared toward kids or adults, this digital series is taking a certain kind of humor to reach a different crowd.

Don Wilcox, PBS’s vice president of digital marketing and services, told The Washington Post that the Digital Studios’ goal is hooking “the elusive millennial viewer” with high-quality programming that both educates and entertains.

“PBS has a strong brand presence with early children and with adults, but we fall off the radar” between those ages, he said. “We have to go where they are and speak in their voice and style.”