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Ben Carson continues to move up in the polls. Trump’s run seems to be slowing down…finally

Who knew a former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon would be in a tight race with Donald Trump in a presidential campaign? Twilight Zone.

Well everyone has their own opinion – clearly – but some of us really didn’t think Ben Carson had a real shot in the Republican campaign for president. Turns out, he’s picking up some speed now, according to a new New York Times/CBS News poll.

It’s possible that just not being as intense, outlandish and offensive as Donald Trump is enough to get you places in politics these days. This is the world we live in.

According to The New York Times, retired neurosurgeon Carson’s support rate has risen to 23 percent from 6 percent in the previous CBS News poll, which was taken just before the first televised Republican debate last month. Over that same period, Trump went to 27 percent from 24 percent – not a lot of momentum. Other GOP candidates like Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are losing steam with single digit rates.

There is still plenty of time for all of this to shift, obviously, but some people might have made up their mind already.

The poll, which will reportedly be available to view this evening, showed:

Over all, 37 percent of Republican voters say their minds are made up about which candidate they will support as their party’s presidential nominee, while 63 percent say it is still too early to say. Slightly more than half of Mr. Trump’s backers say they have decided, while 46 percent said they could still switch candidates. Those who said they had made up their minds are twice as likely to support Mr. Trump over Mr. Carson. Women were less likely than men to support Mr. Trump and more likely than men to support Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.

Maybe Carson actually has a chance? We shall see (and potentially cringe along the way).

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