Top Story, Startups

Fertility tracking doesn’t have to just be for getting pregnant; it’s an indication of overall health

Trying to get pregnant is difficult for many women. Just tracking ovulation isn’t enough to optimize the success rate of conception.

Many women take advantage of the numerous fertility trackers and apps available when they are trying to get pregnant. But as Kirsten Karchmer, founder of Conceivable, has made clear, successfully planning a pregnancy goes way beyond just monitoring a woman’s cycle and ovulation timing.

For maximum fertility, many factors come into play. Diet and managing stress are two big ones. With the Conceivable program, it not only tracks menstrual cycles and basal body temperatures, it makes very specific, day-to-day lifestyle recommendations to correspond with how your body is working – even down meal planning and grocery lists for foods that will help with fertility. There are also Chinese herbal supplements as part of the program to help imbalances that might be occurring.

As Karchmer points out, fertility is truly an indication of a woman’s overall health. Taking the stress and mystery out of the experience when a woman isn’t getting pregnant by providing an individually tailored program is the biggest benefit Conceivable provides.

Karchmer shared more about Conceivable at MedCity CONVERGE this week in Philadelphia.

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