Events, Startups

MedCity INVEST Ask the Investor spotlight: Dennis Depenbusch of BCBS Kansas and MHIN

The upcoming MedCity INVEST conference will include a new session, Ask the Investor. The goal is to provide a forum for healthcare startups to better understand investment strategies for different groups and to ask investors questions.

The MedCity INVEST conference, scheduled for April 19-23, is offering new ways for healthcare startups to connect with investors at the online event. Ask the Investor sessions will provide a way for startups to get insights on investment strategy and to pose questions about funding and more.

Dennis Depenbusch, Director New Ventures, BCBS Kansas and president of Mid-America Healthcare Investors Network (MHIN), is one of a handful of investors taking part in these sessions. He will be joined by Ellen Herlacher Principal, LRV Health; and Austin Duke, Senior Venture Associate, UnityPoint Health Ventures.

Dennis Depenbusch

Although registration to INVEST is free, startups will be asked to pay $99 to participate in Ask the Investor sessions.  Each virtual meeting will include one investor and last for 45 minutes. Following the investor’s presentation on their investment strategy and area of interest, startups will be asked to provide a 1-minute company overview. There will be an opportunity for Q&A. Investors will receive executive summaries for each startup with contact information.

Space is limited to 10 startups per meeting. Please register here.

Depenbusch is responsible for the direction, coordination, evaluation, and management in developing and leading strategic investment for BCBS Kansas. In response to emailed questions, he explained why he decided to take part in Ask the Investor at INVEST.

“It’s a great opportunity to provide guidance and to learn about the current fundraising ecosystem from early stage companies.  I look forward to lively interaction.”

Asked what criteria he considers when deciding whether to work with a startup, Depenbusch said:

“Passion and experience in solving the problem the company is addressing and domain knowledge and experience with a strong team.”


Photo: anyaberkut, Getty Images