Health IT

5 healthcare startups in the news this week (Weekend Rounds)

Life science current events you need to know about this week include health IT and pharmaceutical startups.

Life science current events you need to know about this week.

A California startup is transforming the familiar computer mouse into a health monitor by inserting devices like blood pressure monitors and blood glucose monitors in it.

A company founded on research regarding C-peptide and long-term complications of type 1 diabetes is in phase 2 trials of a once-weekly C-peptide replacement therapy and is raising fresh capital.

Combining several aspects of health IT content like patient communities, medical queries for healthcare professionals,videos on healthcare topics and a symptom checker in one package garnered this startup a $2.15 million series A.

NPharmacon re-targets safe molecules that have already undergone clinical testing, but have been abandoned. So far, it’s found new targets for about one dozen drugs.

Welcome to the 21st century, where an inconspicuous device in your bra could help catch breast cancer early.

Tweets we liked this week.

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We didn’t write these, but you should read them anyway.

A billionaire surgeon is launching cancer partnership to create DNA database, allow faster tumor analysis (Thomson Reuters)

10 rules for live-tweeting at an academic conference (The Guardian)

Cloud computing saves money and time in healthcare (NPR)
