MedCity Influencers

EMR and Practice Management, Is Implementation Actually Difficult?

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management systems are being adopted by almost every physician across the US, thanks to the slogans of quality care provision and the government’s meaningful use incentive funds, there still seems to be a handful of physicians who find it difficult to switch from their conventional methods to automated EMRs […]

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Practice Management systems are being adopted by almost every physician across the US, thanks to the slogans of quality care provision and the government’s meaningful use incentive funds, there still seems to be a handful of physicians who find it difficult to switch from their conventional methods to automated EMRs and Practice Management. One could possibly list down a couple of reasons behind that. While some find it troublesome to let go of their existing workflows, other consider health IT applications to be intricate and time consuming.

“I agree it is not easy to change your habits. However, given the number of advantages and benefits that comes with certified EMR and practice management, physicians should take the matter seriously. Fortunately, majority physicians have implemented such solutions, however others still look for convincing arguments and answers”, says a North Carolina based health IT consultant.

One of the biggest misconceptions about EMR and Practice Management is that these solutions are complex and time consuming. Whereas today, usability along with maintaining product quality is what most established vendors keep on top of their priority lists. According to research, health IT applications are so easy to use that even amateurs get up to speed with them in no time. Physicians do not have to spend extra dollars or hours to learn such applications, the less time consuming yet effective demonstrations provided by the vendor are sufficient to comprehend the functionality and features of the system.

“It is simple, technology is meant to facilitate physicians and to complicate their working patterns. Certified EMR and practice management are designed keeping in view that physicians are not IT personnel. Hence, keeping the technology easy to use has always been the priority of established vendors”, says a New Jersey based health IT consultant.

Although there isn’t paucity when it comes to the myths about EMR usability, one can identify ample reasons to support the adoption of the technology. However, this requires good research on one’s end. As majority physicians are convinced and are implementing certified EMR and practice management, it is just a matter of time when this handful of physicians would start realizing how easy it is to switch to these solutions.

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