Health IT

Patient engagement companies join forces for diabetes management to improve outcomes

One of the components of healthcare reform that goes right along with improving outcomes is getting people to take more responsibility for their health — no easy feat, particularly for those with chronic conditions who face a long struggle managing their condition, complicated by underlying conditions like depression. That ramps up the importance of having […]

One of the components of healthcare reform that goes right along with improving outcomes is getting people to take more responsibility for their health — no easy feat, particularly for those with chronic conditions who face a long struggle managing their condition, complicated by underlying conditions like depression. That ramps up the importance of having a variety of ways to engage patients and improve adherence to lower healthcare costs. In a strategic partnership, a company that takes a multimedia approach to working with health plans and healthcare providers to help members manage their diabetes has partnered with a patient engagement software company to boost patient engagement.

dLife Healthcare Solutions, a Westport, Connecticut based company, and TeleVox Software, an engagement communications service based in Mobile, Alabama, will integrate their platforms, according to a company statement. TeleVox works with physician practices to tailor reminders for people according to need, such as patients with chronic conditions, through automated voice, email, SMS and web-based communication tools. By sending reminders about upcoming appointments and health and wellness recommendations, it is designed to help practices build two way communication and build trust among their patients, all towards getting them to take a deeper interest in their health.

The two companies will integrate their platforms for a “surround sound” approach to patient engagement. dLife has a consumer hub that has included a weekly program on CNBC and a channel with educational videos. Sean Foster, dLife’s CEO, has served as a vice president of marketing for where he helped generate 2 million subscription signups.

“We see the healthcare industry changing rapidly, with health plans and health systems seeking diabetes engagement programs that approach members as consumers as they seek their own healthcare services and increase the emphasis on improving quality outcomes,” said Foster in the statement. “Through this partnership we can provide one-stop shopping with a program …that builds deep relationships with consumers from the point of first communication through completion of the program and beyond.”