
What does the “patient experience” really mean? Here are 5 hospitals’ takes (video)

I’ve heard of the Beryl Institute, a member organization committed to improving the patient experience in healthcare, but was intrigued today to stumble across a small social media campaign it has perpetuated. To encourage organizations to start conversations around the patient experience and share their commitment to the cause, the institute has encouraged them to […]

I’ve heard of the Beryl Institute, a member organization committed to improving the patient experience in healthcare, but was intrigued today to stumble across a small social media campaign it has perpetuated.

To encourage organizations to start conversations around the patient experience and share their commitment to the cause, the institute has encouraged them to tweet photos and videos using hashtag #IMPX — “I am the Patient Experience.”

In response to a video put forth by the institute at its patient experience conference, several hospitals followed suit with videos of their own depicting how every individual affects the patient experience at their facilities, from CEOs to janitors.

It’s a great example of the influence of social media and of the culture change that’s taking place in healthcare.

You can see many of the photos on Beryl’s Facebook page and all of the videos here. Here are a few I found particularly compelling.

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