MedCity Influencers

Nanomedicine – A Key Component to the Future of Medicine

Nanotechnology is making fast advances in medicine. I have written about it before here and in “The Future of Medicine – Megatrends in Healthcare.” A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. New science and technology based on the nanometer refers to the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules to build machines on a […]

Nanotechnology is making fast advances in medicine. I have written about it before here and in “The Future of Medicine – Megatrends in Healthcare.” A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. New science and technology based on the nanometer refers to the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules to build machines on a scale of nanometers or to create materials and structures from the bottom up with novel properties. Nanotechnology, according to the National Science Foundation, could change the way almost everything is designed and made, from automobile tires to vaccines to objects not yet imagined. The concept is to prepare “smart objects” that can invade small spaces and target specific parts of the body. Many researchers expect nanoscience to have a profound impact on the way medicine is practiced perhaps being truly transformational.
Here is a an infogram that gives a nice overview, compliments of its originator, Marcela De Vivo and her sponsor Associates Degree in Nursing.

Former academic hospital CEO, health system COO, professor of medicine and public policy, internist. Recent author of three books: The Future of Medicine - Megatrends in Healthcare; Alignment; and The Future of Health Care Delivery - Why It Must Change and How It Will Affect You.
Senior adviser to Sage Growth Partners

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