Devices & Diagnostics

In Case You Missed It: Top 5 stories from February on MedCity News

Take a look at the most read stories on MedCity News in February. You may have missed news on startups, medical stocks and new medical devices.

5. NASA tissue regeneration tech finds a home in medical devices for pain, 3D research models

Bone and muscle regeneration technology developed with astronauts in mind could provide a foundation for new medical devices to treat pain and new methods of testing drugs in the lab.

GroK Technologies of Houston licensed patents from NASA that it will use to develop two platform technologies for medical applications. Continue reading here.

4. Keas adds Safeway, Target to “Facebook for employer wellness plans”

Companies are increasingly turning to startups in the employer wellness space. They view them as helping staff to take a greater interest in managing their health and helping employers pare down healthcare costs. Although gaming and challenges have been increasingly popular buzzwords with these programs, a frequent problem is it can be tough to hold staff attention.

Keas has developed a more personalized approach to engagement and companies are responding. Safeway and Target are among the latest Fortune 500 companies to join its customer base of 100. Continue reading here.

3. 7 interesting takeaways from Castlight Health’s $100M IPO filing

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Well, it’s not $2 billion, but the $100 million initial public offering Castlight Health has filed should give a sense of how digital health startups and their services for employer health plans are valued.

Castlight has focused on bringing more transparency to healthcare costs for employer health plans so employees can make more informed decisions about where they should go for medical procedures. Continue reading here.

2. Apple wants to use sensors to detect heart attacks

More rumors about the supposed iWatch emerged this weekend with reports that Apple is working on technology to detect when someone is about to have a heart attack.

Reports say that the hardware/software combo, rumored to be spearheaded by a renowned audio engineer from Lucasfilm, would listen to the sound of blood flowing through the wrist. If the software would detect that an artery was clogged with plaque, the watch would issue an alert. Continue reading here.

1. Scientists developing potential cure for peanut allergies with surprising treatment: Peanuts

Nietzsche may have been thinking of emotional turmoil when he wrote “That which does not kill us makes us stronger,” but the quote could just as easily apply to a potential life science innovation — a cure for peanut allergies. Scientists testing a treatment on children have had positive results from the most unlikely source. Peanuts. Continue reading here.

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