Health IT

Which healthcare CIOs are the most active on Twitter? Here are 10 you should follow

In Huffington Post’s second edition of the most active chief information officers on Twitter, healthcare raised its profile. IT folks across healthcare nonprofits and health systems accounted for 8 percent of the 100 most social CIOs on Twitter. It shouldn’t be one of the more surprising healthcare marketing trends considering the heightened profile of health […]

In Huffington Post’s second edition of the most active chief information officers on Twitter, healthcare raised its profile. IT folks across healthcare nonprofits and health systems accounted for 8 percent of the 100 most social CIOs on Twitter.

It shouldn’t be one of the more surprising healthcare marketing trends considering the heightened profile of health IT. Equally important is the increasing comfort level of health systems and other healthcare companies as they have learned from the benefits and pitfalls of healthcare marketing through social media.

The origins of the list go back to a post by Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar), chief marketing officer for Extreme Networks in 2012 on who to follow on Twitter. Although it proved a popular list, SAP CIO Oliver Bussman pointed out that it didn’t include a single CIO. That gave way to a Top 50 list of CIOs on Twitter, which was accompanied by a list of top 20 CIOs who are rising stars on Twitter. What follows is a much shorter version of Afshar’s list and concentrates on healthcare.

Will Weider (@CandidCIO) is the CIO for Ministry Health and authors the blog Candid CIO

John Halamka (@jhalamka) is the CIO for Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and authors the blog Life as a Healthcare CIO.

presented by

Steve Downs (@stephenjdowns) is the CTO and CIO for Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Steve Huffman (@SteveHuffmanCIO) is the CIO for Beacon Health System

Mary Sobiechowski (@msobie) is the CIO of Kantar Health

Kevin More (@kmmore) is the CIO for Human Service and for May Institute, a nonprofit that offers educational, rehabilitative, and behavioral healthcare services to individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.

Glenn Lanteigne (@GlennLanteigne) is the CIO of medical laboratory services business LifeLabs

Bill Swavely (@bswavely) is the CIO for BioTelemetry, the company formerly known as CardioNet.


David Chou (@dchou1107) is the CIO for the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Jay Ferro (@JayFerro) is the CIO for the American Cancer Society.

[Photo credit from BigStock Photos]