
This is why you must always, always proofread that journal article

Not sure how this made it through proofreading, peer review, and copyediting. Via http://t.co/sWaswaM2X4 #addedvalue pic.twitter.com/8krLlvthAr — Dave Harris (@davidjayharris) November 10, 2014 In case you missed it, Will Oremus over at Slate tells the story behind the tweet: The blooper was picked up by Retraction Watch, which contacted both the authors and the publisher for comment. […]

In case you missed it, Will Oremus over at Slate tells the story behind the tweet:

The blooper was picked up by Retraction Watch, which contacted both the authors and the publisher for comment. The corresponding author told Retraction Watch the Gabor line “was added into the paper by a co-author during revision (after peer review),” and no one spotted it in the course of the final proofreading process. He apologized for the put-down, adding, “I would never condone this sentiment towards another person or their work.”

