
Is it Ph.D. or PhD? And are PhDs who act like MDs a special kind of douchebag? Twitter debates

As long as I’m talking about copy editing, I’d like to ask the scientists out there. Which do u prefer: PhD or Ph.D. ? — Luke Timmerman (@ldtimmerman) January 20, 2015 It was a simple enough question. Former Xconomy editor Luke Timmerman, who is working on a biography of biotech titan Lee Hood, just needed […]

It was a simple enough question. Former Xconomy editor Luke Timmerman, who is working on a biography of biotech titan Lee Hood, just needed a little style advice. “Which do u prefer: PhD or Ph.D. ?” Timmerman asks. It turns out this some of twitter’s biggest life sciences luminaries wanted in on this answer. It devolved (or evolved, depending on your point of view) pretty quickly.  

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Have you made it this far? Good. Then the biotech is strong in you.

The thread is an epic one: Dr. Evil videos, references to different phrases that claim the acronym API, and even a Warriner’s. At this point, we’re one Twitter pic of Eats, Shoots & Leaves from a full on hybrid biotech/publishing nerd fight.

Soon after, the conversation turns.

Watson. Crick. Einstein. This moved fast. It quickly internationalized (and included more videos).

That’s not the final tweet – good luck in finding that. But it’s an amazing thread. As far as I can tell, I don’t think Timmerman ever decided what was right: Ph.D. or PhD.

Update: We have a decision.