
The troubling results of the anti-vaxxer measles situation

                            Anti-vaxxers have revved up the issue with measles transmission, and the CDC data now shows how drastic it is. The Washington Post put together the graphic above that shows the startling incline and explained the resurgence. There were 644 new measles […]








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Anti-vaxxers have revved up the issue with measles transmission, and the CDC data now shows how drastic it is.

The Washington Post put together the graphic above that shows the startling incline and explained the resurgence.

There were 644 new measles cases in 27 states last year, according to the CDC. That’s the biggest annual number we’ve seen in nearly a quarter-century. The vast majority of people who contracted the disease were unvaccinated, including the dozens of cases related to an outbreak at Disneyland in Orange County, California, which is basically Ground Zero in our current epidemic of anti-vaccine hysteria.

Some people are just plain and simple freaked out about vaccines. In 2014 AP-GfK survey indicated that 51 percent of American’s aren’t entirely convinced that vaccines are safe – and believe it or not, that’s close to the amount of people that believe houses are haunted by ghosts.


