5 great (mostly funny) videos that combat anti-vaxxers

Commentary about vaccines is coming from all different outlets – some of it more focused on straight news and reporting, and some coming from a sense of humor because many people think the anti-vaccination perspective is so crazy you just have to laugh. At least for a few minutes. Here are five videos, all humorous […]

Commentary about vaccines is coming from all different outlets – some of it more focused on straight news and reporting, and some coming from a sense of humor because many people think the anti-vaccination perspective is so crazy you just have to laugh. At least for a few minutes.

Here are five videos, all humorous except for Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s clip, but the overall message is clear. Vaccinations are a GOOD thing.

1. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart – “Les Misealesrables”


2. Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN – “Those opposing vaccines are just wrong”

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3. The Nightly Show – “Vaccines”


4. Here’s a compilation of late night TV jokes in response to the vaccination debate and measles outbreak.


And just because it’s fun to go back in time just a little bit, here’s a clip about vaccinations from The Daily Show back in June of last year. It could pretty much be aired as is today, too.

5. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart – “An Outbreak of Liberal Idiocy”