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Business lessons from Valeant CEO Michael Pearson (video)

Maybe Martin Shkreli will have a bit of a breather now that Valeant’s Michael Pearson is keeping the hot seat warm.

Worried about federal regulation into your drug business? Do you need guidance on how to manage a modern biopharma company?

Michael Pearson, billionaire CEO of Valeant Pharmaceuticals and the latest drug executive to face public ire over drug price hikes, is here to help.

Well before he was in the cross-hairs of Congress, Pearson recorded a series of videos offering his business advice for his alma mater, University of Virginia, Darden School of Business.

Are these comments the kind of philosophies Pearson is using to guide Valeant through the Congressional storm? If you want to be a billionaire in business and Big Pharma, will these cliches soundbites help?

In order to be successful in marketing, try to stay humble – arrogance will hurt you, even though avoiding it is “a tough thing to do.”

In the right corporate environment (Valeant, for example?), people are really seeking out entrepreneurship and innovation.

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Pearson believes it’s important and invigorating to give back to future students.

Because business models and culture varies around the world, those involved need to be willing to learn, adapt and be flexible to other ethical standards.

Competing globally comes down to choosing which markets you’re going to compete in – you can’t have one business model for an entire global strategy.