Health IT

Infographic: Health IT workforce paid well, but perhaps not enough

While 83 percent of health IT workers surveyed reported being satisfied with their jobs, the more than 700 respondents indicated that they should be paid an average of $17,227 more than they make now.


Health IT workers in general make good money, but they think they are worth more.

According to a new survey from, health IT professionals pull in an average salary of $87,443, plus an average bonus is $7,990 for the 33 percent who received bonuses. While 83 percent reported being satisfied with their jobs, the more than 700 respondents indicated that they should be paid an average of $17,227 more than they make now.

There’s some geographic differentiation in health IT workforce salaries, as is to be expected. New England, the Mid-Atlantic and Mountain regions tend to have higher-paid health IT workers than other parts of the country.

If any industry is close to salary parity by gender, it’s health IT. The survey said that women earn 98 percent of what men are paid.

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