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Even the Most Non-Digital Businesses Need Digital Communication

Even with the growth of automated technology, demand for personal touches will increase.

Medical businesses are based on person-to-person contact, so communication is in the job description whether you like it or not. Even with the growth of automated technology, demand for personal touches will increase. Business Insider writes about the ‘Empathy Economy’, which highlights the skills that robots cannot reproduce: creativity, community, and empathy. Consumers, patients, and clients are drawn to practices that excel in these essential areas of relationship-building. Even more, it gives you the ability to brand your practice as a leader in digital communication.

Your goal is to make your contacts feel secure in their relationships with you and to provide them with a well-founded sense of security, underscoring your desire to care for them personally. It means providing an emotional experience based on a “feeling” and your personal knowledge, not just hard results.

This emotional relationship all comes down to communication. Consistent, personalized communication on the platforms they prefer, like email and social media, which shows your contacts you’re always working for them. When that communication is personalized to their needs and interests, it demonstrates that you’re paying attention and considering their individual needs.

Many professionals have heeded the call to offer more of these digital touchpoints to their relationships. What they haven’t realized is how critical the emotional relationship is, and how drastically their digital communication can impact it. When a valued contact receives an email that features pre-written information on generic topics, he or she doesn’t feel all that valued. When that same person receives weekly email updates with personally relevant stories, he or she feels much more cared for and valued.

Look at it this way: if you want to do something nice for an important customer, you take them to a nice restaurant and discuss their personal needs and you’ll let the conversation drift to friendlier topics like travel, kids, and hobbies. You wouldn’t take that client to a fast food restaurant and talk about the general state of things in your industry.

You understand the importance of providing your relationships customized solutions and experiences that make them feel valued. That should extend to all of your interactions, including your digital communication and touchpoints.

Improving your digital communication to convey the right feeling to your relationships doesn’t mean a huge investment of time or creating a full communication department. Today’s technology does it for you.

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Vestorly uses AI to curate the right stories for your readers, and automatically builds emails and social posts for you. It keeps you connected with people and facilitates new conversations with real relationships. You don’t have to worry that your competitors are sharing the same emails or social posts because everything you share through Vestorly is customized to each of your recipients. Try it out now (you can even use it free.)