Amanda Bury

A veteran of the digital and healthcare industries, Amanda is helping healthcare systems across the country drive new patient acquisition strategies through the use of technology. As managing director of the healthcare division at SIM Partners, a leading provider of location-based marketing technology, Amanda leads client growth strategies that improve the patient journey as well as maximize digital marketing results at the local level. SIM Partners' local marketing automation platform, Velocity, maximizes digital marketing results for healthcare systems by managing location data and content at scale. She is an avid blogger and has been published in MedCity News and Medical Practice Insider.

Posts by Amanda Bury


Modern healthcare consumers will be drawn to physician profiles done right

Whether newly insured, seeking care for the first time as an adult or disgruntled with a current provider, prospective patients represent golden opportunities for healthcare systems, hospitals, physicians and practices. Although organizations go to great lengths to attract local patients, many overlook the power of online physician profiles to boost their organizations’ local visibility and […]