Christopher Libby, MPH

Christopher holds an M.P.H. in Healthcare Policy and Management and works as a consultant with Galen Healthcare Solutions. He specializes in reporting, analytics, integrations, and custom programming for physician networks and hospital systems. He also has a particular focus on ACOs and PCMHs and has worked on ACO and HIE development projects throughout the country.

Posts by Christopher Libby, MPH

MedCity Influencers

Responsibility Matters: A Message from a Data Analyst

I recently read an article that raised the question of who owns your health data. By ownership, I am referring to who has the power to either access or give someone access to your medical information. There are many interested parties in knowing all about you for valid reasons: Your PCP wants to know what […]

MedCity Influencers

Let My Data Go!

I recently had a nice chat with a colleague analyzing HIT industry trends for Kalorama Information. Kalorama does industry research for the medical and life sciences for many of the major news and consulting organizations. I got in touch with her specifically because of Kalorama’s analysis on EHRs in 2012 which was used by Bloomberg […]

MedCity Influencers

Strategic Acquisitions for Allscripts

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog post on the current trends in the EHR industry. I mentioned that users of Allscripts products have increasingly been switching away from Allscripts to other vendors. Either Paul Black at Allscripts is following this blog, or he looked at the Allscripts client list because he is looking […]

MedCity Influencers

The Three Types of Organizations that Need New EHRs

The era of electronic health records has arrived and opportunities for innovative uses of data are plentiful for providers and vendors alike. Fueled by financial incentives from the government as well as meaningful use requirements, organizations that best position their data to help providers deliver patient centered care will flourish. Physician organizations are also becoming […]