Dan Antonelli

Dan Antonelli is the CEO and creative director of New Jersey advertising agency Graphic D-Signs, Inc., The Small Business Advertising Agency®, and the author of Building A Big Small Business, available at www.amazon.com. For more information, visit  www.graphicd-signs.com.

Posts by Dan Antonelli


Common entrepreneur branding mistakes

The typical entrepreneur knows a little about a lot. They hustle swiftly, deliver quickly, and fail fast—all necessary components of earning the winning ticket. However, it’s in their best interest to know a little more, deliver a little better, and suffer a minor setback instead of a face-planting failure. When it comes to building the […]

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MedCity Influencers

Common entrepreneur branding mistakes

The typical entrepreneur knows a little about a lot. They hustle swiftly, deliver quickly, and fail fast—all necessary components of earning the winning ticket. However, it’s in their best interest to know a little more, deliver a little better, and suffer a minor setback instead of a face-planting failure. When it comes to building the […]